Affectionately known as the “Chappy Hilton” for housing servicemen during World War II, the property straddles a high ridge on Chappaquiddick Island between Katama Bay and Poucha Pond. An observation tower rises skyward from the house, providing a nautical landmark for miles around and a commanding view over Chappaquiddick, Martha’s Vineyard, and the Atlantic Ocean. Tasked with designing a garage structure that would sit beside this landmark building and fit into an already eclectic mix of additions and outbuildings, we arrived at a design that celebrates structure, materials, and assembly. The outwardly unassuming and utilitarian garage opens to reveal an elegant interior where the sea breeze, daylight, vehicles or boats can enter from either end.
R+D Studio
Residential and Commercial Design
Martha’s Vineyard
Travis Ritchie, Principal
10 State Rd., Suite #1 Vineyard Haven, MA
+1 (508) 360 8130 |